
Thursday, May 26, 2011


5:00 AM
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Kellies Castle_ some say it spirit this hanging around

9:56 AM
Somewhere near Batu Gajah, suburb of Ipoh, stood the Kellies Castle surrounding by river.
It was intended to be the hub of social life for the area's wealthy colonial planters and administrators - a grand mansion with a six-storey tower, wine cellar, and stately columns. Moorish arches and walls embellished with Greco-Roman designs.
Kellies CastleThere was to be a rooftop courtyard for parties, a helicopter landing space and even the first shaft lift in the country to connect the underground tunnel up to the top floor.After completing my studies in uitm i got a chance to be here. guess what??? here is the rumors...

70 tough workers, mostly from Madras, were employed. Bricks and marble were imported from India. But the construction work was not smooth, a mysterious illness (Spanish Flu) broke out and killed many of the workers.
The superstitious Smith was told that a temple must be built to appease the gods. He immediately transferred his workers to build a Hindu temple nearby, and there is an underground tunnel lying beneath the castle to the temple.Anyway, this tragedy didn't stop the construction of the castle. But the sudden death of Smith on a visit to Lisbon in 1926 had made a halt to it. He was died of pneumonia. His wife, Agnes, with a broken heart made the decision to sell out all of the Smith's properties in Malaya and moved back to Scotland sadly.
here is some rumors that i shall share

There have been many myths or legends or rumors spreading around about the mysterious castle.
Some say that the Smith's spirit still wandering inside the castle, especially along the corridors, guarding his great mansion. And that's why much of the structure still intact after so many years.
Some say there are lots of "spirits" wandering around the castle since workers died during the construction and people died during the 2nd world war.
It is believed that there are 4 underground tunnels. One is connecting the Kellies Castle to the Hindu temple 500m in the west, one is connecting to the main gate garage in the south and one is connecting to the road in the east.
How about the last one? It's still undiscovered.

and believe me i am being advice not to enter it  because it is nearly twilight. this is because of they scared i couldnt find my own way back then. last time it is my own friend kept telling that he use to saw smith in side his car!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

kebenaran perempuan yg baik untuk lelaki yg baik> carilah someone worth it for u

10:13 AM
hey good evening to all..
if i will find someone ofcourse i will look for someone intelligent , educated , polite , and sweet... most important religion
recently, i have being advise by my beloved friend. dba zack.. she said " azrin, perempuan yg baik untuk lelaki yang baik. ingt tue. jaga diri kau elok2. "  yes.. aku sgt terharu die kata die. skrg die dimesir belajar bidang perubatan.

tau x actually kn bkn mksud die hanye perempuan yg soleh layak berkahwin dgn lelaki yang baik dan soleh. tetapi jika kita memilih pilih la yg elok. kalau pon berkahwin dgn seorng yg krg akidah dan agama . suami la yg berperanan membentuk.. supaya die jadi wanita sempurna. it is actually vice versa la... perempuan pon.
 tue penerangan dpd kwn aku yg cm ustazah.hee

in my view

aku rasa wanita skrg nie xpikir pnjg dan suka hati jew bg maruah kau kat boyfriend. konon nak kawen la kn.
sory to say tat. but u guy were stupid to believe in it. there wll be no guy will chase after u if u have given all ur pride. i mean doing sex things.
ofcouse as a hgirl  i got te xperience in man. yes, i fallen in love but no way i will sell my body. haha.. my policy is simple love but no sex b4 married. yes, i might losing my love one wit this policy but it is the brilliant way to protect myself.

remaja skrg nie bodoh. asal org ajk couple jew kau setuju. sory agak kasar bahasa. tp couple tue jagala diri jgn sesat dah. aku sll pesan kat diri sendiri/ mmg la ramai yg kejar tp kne jgak kite pandai tepis.
kdg2 aku malu tgk budak pakai tudung tp kau pelok bf kau. baik xyah pakai kn. yeap im not gud jgak tp  atleast show some respect went u wear jilbab.
kalau zmn nabi mesti kau dah lama kne tnm idup2.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

im going to indonesiA?

2:22 AM
yeap aku turun kl aritue... but im not coming back to my housee at kl . u know y ? die ckp" i xbenarkn u msok sbb takot u jampi2 ke bg rumah tangga i porakpranda ke.. t u ltak bende2 bkn2 ke. yelah mane la tau nak tgk idup i merana ke?" u knw who said tat ? it was ZAINAL ABIDIN my own father. which i trust him
aku xde mase la nak wat keje khurafat tue. xsngka zmn nie pon die pecaya lg? i thought u are western enough.sll ajar aku life western kn... tmybe die dah kne mkn kata wife die which is my step mum.
since die ckp die xnk jmpe aku so i went to my friend's house  ayna jas. but on the fourth day im in kajang he ask to meet me. so i thought it might be a gud sign to make over the relationship.. yeap i do make it. but just 50% mybe.
tp kata2 die mlm tue sgt la sakit hati. he said im a gud pretender. im hipo. im bad. im stupid. im sweet. im just being brought up wrongly. terlalu manja?... haha yes ble cmpk sume tue mmg aku nangis .
sedih sbb y a dad sanggup ckp cm tue.. yet i xmenjawab. sbb aku dah serik.. dulu aku melawan jgk tp nw im just cool. org ckp api jgn dibalas api. so akhirnye die diam jgak.
but any how we re gud jgak la. bt he said nvr the same. :(
 trun ke kajang aku anggap the most precious time .. hang out with ayna jas famly is cool. nice life she got. alhamdullh, aku bahgia tgk kwn2 aku bahgia. aku jgak bahgia hidup with my mum...

tat is ayna , cyla, me
actually aku g shah alam dgr ceramah or tklmt medical indonesia. insyallah aku akn fly ke sana xlama lg if upu xdpt medict. i will fly on 15 ogos nie. harap2 lepas intervw. tp 20 nie program pelajar cemerlang akn kuar result. if dpt lg 2 thn i will be at new zealand or australia. nie yg buat aku buntu sbb xtau nak pilih ape.
hope allah bg aku jln... amin.
as for my dad i knw u did nt trust me.. allah knws better.  but i love u n respect u as my dad. i knw u stlking me via fb. hope u read this too.  nver in my life too destroy ur life or ur famly and watever. so stop listen to others .

mencuba baju di alamanda

ecopark at aynaa house.

nichii ....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

tauge dulu xsedap

6:48 AM
Menu tauge untuk hidangan makan tengah hari mahupun makan malam sering kali dipandang sebelah mata oleh kebanyakan kita. Tauge dilihat sebagai hidangan yang langsung tidak menyelerakan.
Tapi tahukah anda, tauge yang kerap kali menjadi pilihan terakhir untuk dijadikan sayur ini sebenarnya mempunyai banyak khasiat. Tauge dikatakan mampu menyumbang kepada kesuburan lelaki dan wanita.Pengambilan tauge oleh kaum lelaki mampu membuatkan sperma yang dihasilkan oleh golongan ini makin baik.

Begitu juga wanita, ia cukup berkesan membantu kesuburan telur yang dihasilkan.
Bagaimanapun, khasiat tauge tidak sekadar penyumbang kesuburan, ia juga terbukti melalui kajian mengandungi bahan yang dapat melumpuhkan bibit kanser, usus besar, pankreas dan juga penyakit leukimia.
Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan tauge sama ada dari jenis kacang hijau, alfalfa dan sebagainya mengandungi banyak unsur fitokimia ya berkhasiat. Salah satunya ialah kanavanin (canavanine) , sejenis asid yang amino. Kanavanin, dukatakan mampu melumpuhkan bibit kanser leukimia, usus besar dan pankreas.
Selain itu, tauge juga mempunyai estrogen semulajadi berfungsi sama dengan estrogen sintesis. Estrogen dalam tauge dapat meningkatkan kepadatan dan susunan tulang, serta mencegah kerapuhan tulang

Pengambilan tauge oleh wanita secara kerap dapat membantu mereka menghindar mereka dari kanser payudara, gangguan menjelang menstruasi,simptom pra-menopaus, dan gangguan akibat menopaus.
Sewaktu kacang-kacang dicambahkan untuk dijadikan tauge secara umum kadar saponinya meningkat sehingga 450 peratus. Mereka yang berisiko penyakit strok dan serangan jantung, gara-gara kadar lemak darah yang tinggi dianjurkan lebih banyak mengambil tauge dalam menu harian mereka. Saponi dalam tauge, menghalau “lemak jahat” LDL, tanpa mengganggu kandungan lemak baik HDL.
Selain sarat DNA, tauge padat dengan antioksida kuat yang menghalang tubuh dari radikal bebas perosak sel DNA. Pelindungan ini menguatkan kesimpulan tauge merupakan sayuran yang membuat anda menjadi lebih muda.
Satu lagi khasiat tauge yang tidak kurang hebat adalah membantu membuang kotoran dalam usus besar kerana mengandungi banyak serat dan air. Inilah yang menjadi tunjang utama tauge dalam memerangi sel kanser.

sumber : apis blog. created 2008. copy phase to erynjogson heeeee

william n kate

6:32 AM
to be prank i wish i can marry william hahaa.. even xensem yea.. he is fillty rich. wat a lucky woman like kate having such a great wed n having a gud looking husband. wishing u happy forever kate and william ya. hooreee

farewell...~~~ i wish my love a goodday