
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the secret of the old mill

12:56 AM

this assasian break aku sdg menhabiskan satu buku novel written by franklin w.dixon. the secret of the old mill.

cerita yg mengisahkan hardy's boys who would to spent their time investigating somethings that very confuse to them.
salah satu pages my aku gemar..

''that's right,'' chet sai excitedly. ;; i have been thinking that maybe i could get a summer job at elekton.''
mr. morton exchanged amazed glances with the hardy at the thought of chet working during the summer vacation. but with the growing enthusiasm, chet went on.
 ''i could earn the twenty dollars i owe you, dad. besides, if i am going to be a scientist, i couldnt think a better place to work.

'' elekton's a fine company ,'' his dad said. guluck son.''
''thanks dad,''.

why it attracts me? nilai murni yg wujud dlm dialog tue jew...
tue je la pon
anyway, sama kisah ngan aku. wants to find a job during this break but smpai skang perasaan malas menghantui.
mcm ne nak bg rajin aku pon xtau.

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