nak dijadikan cerita we are almost friend dpd berbelas
darjah 2.. he like me. n darjah 2 i like him eithr either.
then we lost contact after i moved out from tat school. luckily our friend kept us in touch back.
after being friend 4 almost ayear now, i ask him.. kite sgt mesra.. mcm happy couple. i wated to know.. u single or not. then he answer.. if single knapa????? i smile n laugh... ..i .tink nak btol2 serius with u kali nie.. then he silent///.. n said actually die dah ade..saya jadi diam sejenak!!!!...
then, i said xkn nak couple 2 skali.. dgn nada untuk menduga apa die akan buat. anyhow he said.. xpe lah u jd my kekasih
gelap..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kekasih..........................................gelap...........................i syg u.