seriusly i just a new person in uitm puncak alam.. masok sem1 pon in the middle.. , ramai lg yg xknal.. tp ppl shock why i am so active.
"btw asal kau tibe leh jadi comitee , baru jew masok dah famous? nnti dpt 10 % koko ke? "tat was the first question tat i have to answer..
" oi, biarlah kau nak dengki sgt pehal... seriusly i get into comitee bkn untuk 10% i just nak decor an event 4 u guys.. tat it!!saye buat dgn ikhlas..
klu boleh nak jew ckp mcm tue, but then, i have been train to talk nicely n respect ppl.. tp kecuali la die perampas boyfriend aku.. mmg la nak ketookkk jew..
on the first meeting.. seriusly sumpah xknal sape2 pon. kecuali adam zac. ... rasa mcm an alien at one
crowded planet planet..
then, they decided who the chairman.. n so on.. , to me xyah la nak ambik jwtn yg tinggi sgt, risiko untuk stress akan melambung.. lepas tue terjumpe mamat rambut pacak , mulut lezer n acting like wow im so cool n famous!! haha....
this picture telah di seludup dpd fb die. seriusly.. perkataan pertama yg i said to him , muke mcm setan. so sory,,, mmg xsengaja ckp.. heee maaf ok.. then, lama2 owh, he is so cool n very good guy.berhati baik. .. muke stress die mmg sgt gerun.. mcm xmkn sebulan,, effort byk kot 4 dinner event
kau kerja overtime ... 4 this event..
presenting: iqbal arieff

hah yg nie mmg xslh lg.. tiga2 muke korean.. mmg hot mlm dinner tue.. this is the guy tat made woman crazy tat night.. sgt caring, fik tq menjadi pendengar yg setia, lulu kwn sejati.. bru jew baik demam. u all awsome..
presenting : shah ozair, fikri sya, lulu..faizran .
well, this is the gurl tat alway so kind on me..minah nie like to talk non talk, ade sticker mmg nak letak jew kat mulut die.. ckp kelantan smpai aku migrain.. seriusly mmg xphm.. im so bad in this.. presenting: anak w.sabri.._ atiqah
this one is the coolest picture i awere saw. oii, elevator tue x naik atas ke ? haha .. u gurl sgt cantik n manis, amal aku rindu mulut kau kutuk org.. haha...afiq che man.. yg baik hati..., asikin n sya yg cun.
presenting : afiq che man , amal, syikin, sya

yg nie 3 dara hot mlm tue... sumpah hot. rugi gler siape xsmpat ambik no they all. hahah..
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