farewell...~~~ i wish my love a goodday
This Week's Favorites
seriusly i just a new person in uitm puncak alam.. masok sem1 pon in the middle.. , ramai lg yg xk...
Lovely Thoughts About Life A short walk is so difficult, when no one walks with you. But a long journey is just like few steps ...
Apabila bicara soal jodoh ramai wanita akan risau. tapi tahukah anda jodoh itu adalah kerja Allah. dengan siapa kita , dimana , kerja apa p...
this assasian break aku sdg menhabiskan satu buku novel written by franklin w.dixon. the secret of the old mill. cerita yg mengisahkan ha...
yeap aku turun kl aritue... but im not coming back to my housee at kl . u know y ? die ckp" i xbenarkn u msok sbb takot u jampi2 ke bg ...
i got a bitch dad... how much i have a gud day with himm but i can understand him. my luv nvr look sincere to him. so nw i let u be. one t...
Somewhere near Batu Gajah, suburb of Ipoh, stood the Kellies Castle surrounding by river. It was intended to be the hub of social life for ...
untuk score.. 4 sure kne study. but study to push urself xkn menjadi... if me : 1) study pakai mp3 2) study depan lappie supaya xpening.....
muet is coming this 13 nov 2010. but sincerely i have forgotten the way to answer those coming questions. with many gramatical error and t...
i walk along the street like alway i did. bt really the habit actually. im trying to find some vacancy. yeap this going to be though bcoz i ...